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My 2008 Pubblications

Journal Papers

  1. Martin O Mendez, J Corthout, S Van Huffel, Matteo Matteucci, Thomas Penzel, Sergio Cerutti, and Anna Maria Bianchi. Automatic screening of obstructive sleep apnea from the ECG based on empirical mode decomposition and wavelet analysis. Physiological Measurement 31:273-289, 2010. BibTeX [Mendez_2010_PhysMeas]
Reference library: BibTeX

My 2009 Pubblications

Journal Papers

  1. Martin O Mendez, Anna Maria Bianchi, Matteo Matteucci, Sergio Cerutti, and Thomas Penzel. Sleep Apnea Screening by Autoregressive Models From a Single ECG Lead. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 56(12):2838-2850, 2009. Pdf BibTeX [Mendez_2009_IEEE-TBME]
  2. Federico Maggi, Matteo Matteucci and Stefano Zanero. Reducing false positives in anomaly detectors through fuzzy alert aggregation. Information Fusion 10(4):300--311, 2009. Pdf BibTeX [Maggi_2009_InformationFusion]
  3. Federico Maggi, Matteo Matteucci, Stefano Zanero. Detecting Intrusions through System Call Sequence and Argument Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing , Forthcoming. Pdf BibTeX [Maggi_2009_IEEE-TDSC]
  4. Bernardo Dal Seno, Matteo Matteucci, Luca T Mainardi. The Utility Metric: A Novel Method to Assess the Overall Performance of Discrete Brain-Computer Interfaces. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 17(6), 2009. Pdf BibTeX [DalSeno_2009_IEEE-TNSRE]
  5. Simone Ceriani, Giulio Fontana, Alessandro Giusti, Daniele Marzorati, Matteo Matteucci, Davide Migliore, Davide Rizzi, Domenico G Sorrenti, Pierluigi Taddei. Rawseeds ground truth collection systems for indoor self-localization and mapping. Autonomous Robots 27(4):353--371, 2009. Pdf BibTeX [Ceriani_2009_AutonomousRobots]
Reference library: BibTeX

Conference Proceedings

  1. Luigi Malago', Matteo Matteucci, Giovanni Pistone. Stochastic Relaxation as a Unifying Approach in 0/1 Programming. NIPS 2009 Workshop on Discrete Optimization in Machine Learning: Submodularity, Sparsity & Polyhedra (DISCML) , December, 2009. Pdf BibTeX [Malago_2009_NIPS]
  2. Daniele Marzorati, Matteo Matteucci, Davide Migliore, Domenico G Sorrenti. On the use of inverse scaling in monocular SLAM. In prooceedings of ICRA '09. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation pp. 2030 – 2036, May, 2009. Pdf BibTeX [Marzorati_2009_ICRA]
  3. Davide Migliore, Roberto Rigamonti, Daniele Marzorati, Matteo Matteucci, Domenico G Sorrenti. Use a Single Camera for Simultaneous Localization And Mapping with Mobile Object Tracking in dynamic environments. In proceedings of International workshop on Safe navigation in open and dynamic environments application to autonomous vehicles , May, 2009. Pdf BibTeX [Migliore_2009_ICRA]
  4. Sathya Costagliola Di Polidoro, Bernardo Dal Seno, Matteo Matteucci. Recognition and Classification of P300s in EEG Signals by Means of Feature Extraction Using Wavelet Decomposition. In proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) pp. 597-603, June, 2009. Pdf BibTeX [Costagliola_2009_IJCNN]
  5. Matteo Matteucci, Lorenzo Mussone, Ahmed Ghozia. Transportation network user equilibrium assignment by ant colony systems with a variable trail decay coefficient. In proceedings of 12th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems (CTS09) pp. 430-427, September, 2009. Pdf BibTeX [Matteucci_2009_CTS]
  6. Luigi Sportiello, Bernardo Dal Seno, Matteo Matteucci. A Comparison of Three Methods with Implicit Features for Automatic Identification of P300s in a BCI. In proceedings of 19th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2009) pp. 515-524, September, 2009. Pdf BibTeX [Sportiello_2009_ICANN]
  7. Bernardo Dal Seno, Matteo Matteucci, Luca T Mainardi. On-line Detection of P300 and Error Potentials in a BCI Speller. In proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging of the Brain and Heart & 7th International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism (7th NFSI & ICBEM 2009) , May, 2009. Pdf BibTeX [DalSeno_2009_NFSI]
  8. Simone Tognetti, Cristiano Alessandro, Andrea Bonarini, Matteo Matteucci. Fundamental issues on the recognition of autonomic patterns produced by visual stimuli. In proceedings of Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2009) , 2009. Pdf BibTeX [Tognetti_2009_ACII]
  9. Martin O Mendez, Matteo Matteucci, Sergio Cerutti, F Alletti, Anna M Bianchi. Sleep staging classification based on HRV: Time-variant analysis. In proceedings of Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2009) pp. 9 - 12, September, 2009. Pdf BibTeX [Mendez_2009_EMBS_Staging]
  10. Martin O Mendez, Matteo Matteucci, Sergio Cerutti, Anna M Bianchi, Juha M Kortelainen. Automatic detection of sleep macrostructure based on bed sensors. In proceedings of Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2009) pp. 5555 - 5558, September, 2009. Pdf BibTeX [Mendez_2009_EMBS_Bed]
Reference library: BibTeX

In Collections

  1. Daniele Marzorati, Matteo Matteucci, Davide Migliore, Domenico G Sorrenti. Inverse Scaling Parametrization for Visual SLAM. Emerging Paradigms in Informatics, Systems and Communication; QD Quaderni - Department of informatics, systems and communication Research Report n.1 pp. 29--34, June, 2009. Pdf BibTeX [Marzorati_2009_Quaderni]
Reference library: BibTeX


  1. Italo Belmonte, Matteo Bianchi, Basilio Bona, Andrea Bonarini, Luca Carlone, Davide Girlando, Andrea Mangone, Matteo Matteucci. Apparato di illuminazione robotizzato e metodo di comando. Patent Pending MI2009U 001066 , 16th June, 2009. BibTeX [Helios_Patent]
Reference library: BibTeX

My 2008 Pubblications

Conference Proceedings

  1. Daniele Marzorati, Matteo matteucci, Davide Migliore, Domenico G Sorrenti. Monocular SLAM with Inverse Scaling Parametrization. Proceedings of 2008 British Machine Vision Conference pp. 945--954, September, 2008. Pdf BibTeX [Marzorati_2008_BMVC]
  2. Daniele Marzorati, Matteo Matteucci, Davide Migliore, Domenico G Sorrenti. Data Fusion by Uncertain Projective Geometry in 6DoF Visual SLAM. Proceedings of VISAPP International Workshop on Robotic Perception pp. 3--12, 2008. Pdf BibTeX [Marzorati_2008_RoboPerc]
  3. Pier Paolo Campari, Matteo Matteucci, Davide Migliore. Adding Color to Geodesic Invariant Features. Proceedings of VISAPP - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications pp. 227--234, January, 2008. Pdf BibTeX [Campari_2008_VISAPP]
  4. Andrea Bonarini, Luca T Mainardi, Mattao Matteucci, Simone Tognetti, Roberto Colombo. Stress Recognition in a Robotic Rehabilitation Task. Proceedings of Robotic Helpers: User Interaction, Interfaces and Companions in Assistive and Therapy Robotics pp. 41--48, March, 2008. Pdf BibTeX [Bonarini_2008_HRI]
  5. Bernardo Dal Seno, Matteo Matteucci and Luca T Mainardi. A genetic algorithm for automatic feature extraction in P300 detection. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks pp. 3145--3152, June, 2008. Pdf BibTeX [DalSeno_2008_IJCNN]
  6. Davide Migliore, Rossella Blatt, Matteo Matteucci, Simone Ceriani, Giulio Fontana, and Bernardo Dal Seno. Brain Control of a Smart Wheelchair. Proceedings of Inteligent Autonomous Systems pp. 221--228, JULY, 2008. Pdf BibTeX [Migliore_2008_IAS]
  7. Bernardo Dal Seno, Matteo Matteucci, Luca T Mainardi, F Piccione, and Stefano Silvoni. Single-trial P300 detection in healthy and ALS subjects by means of a genetic algorithm. Proceedings of the 4th International Brain-Computer Interface Workshop & Training Course pp. 104--109, September, 2008. Pdf BibTeX [DalSeno_2008_GRAZ_GA]
  8. Gianmaria Visconti, Bernardo Dal Seno, Matteo Matteucci, and Luca T Mainardi. Automatic recognition of error potentials in a P300-based brain-computer interface. Proceedings of the 4th International Brain-Computer Interface Workshop & Training Course pp. 238--243, September, 2008. Pdf BibTeX [DalSeno_2008_GRAZ_ErrP]
  9. Bernardo Dal Seno, Luca T Mainardi, and Matteo Matteucci. Assessing the performance of a BCI: A task-oriented approach. Proceedings of the 4th International Brain-Computer Interface Workshop & Training Course pp. 274--279, September, 2008. Pdf BibTeX [DalSeno_2008_GRAZ_Utility]
  10. Vincenzo Rana, Matteo Matteucci, Daniele Caltabiano, Roberto Sannino, and Andrea Bonarini. Low cost smartcam design. Proceedings of 6th IEEE Workshop on Embedded Systems for Real-tme Multimedia (ESTIMedia 2008) pp. 27--32, Los Alamitos, CA, USA -- USA, October, 2008. Pdf BibTeX [Rana_2008_ESTIMEDIA]
  11. Rossella Blatt, Andrea Bonarini, Elisa Calabró, Matteo Matteucci, Matteo Della Torre, Ugo Pastorino. Pattern Classification Techniques for Early Lung Cancer Diagnosis using an Electronic Nose. Proceedings of ECAI – Prestigious Applications of Artificial Intelligence (PAIS) @1:693--697, JULY, 2008. Pdf BibTeX [Blatt_2008_PASI]
  12. Luigi Malago', Matteo Matteucci, and Bernardo Dal Seno. An Information Geometry Perspective on Estimation of Distribution Algorithms: Boundary Analysis. pp. 2081--2088, July, 2008. Pdf BibTeX [Malago_2008_GECCO]
  13. Giulio Fontana, Matteo Matteucci, Domenico G Sorrenti. The RAWSEEDS Proposal for Representation-Independet Benchmarking of SLAM. pp. 1--6, 2008. Pdf BibTeX [Fontana_2008_GEMBENCH]
  14. Andrea Bonarini, Matteo Matteucci, and Simone Tognetti. Chest expansion reconstruction from respiration sound by using artificial neural networks.. Proceedings of 4th IET International Conference on Advances in Medical, Signal and Information Processing (MEDSIP 2008). pp. 126--129, LOS ALAMITOS CA -- USA, July, 2008. Pdf BibTeX [Bonarini_2008_MEDSIP]
  15. Paolo Cremonesi, Roberto Turrin, Eugenio Lentini, and Matteo Matteucci. An Evaluation Methodology for Collaborative Recommender Systems. International Conference on Automated solutions for Cross Media Content and Multi-channel Distribution pp. 224--231, November, 2008. Pdf BibTeX [Cremonesi_2008_CROSSMEDIA]
Reference library: BibTeX

My 2007 Publications

Journal Papers

Conference Proceedings

In Books

  1. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Bonarini_2007_RoboCup]
Reference library: BibTeX

My 2006 Publications

Journal Papers

Conference Proceedings

  1. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Bonarini_2006_ACM]
  2. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Marzorati_2006_3DCognition]
  3. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Aliprandi_2006_GECCO]
  4. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Mussone_2006_GECCO]
Reference library: BibTeX

In Books

  1. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Bonarini_2006_RoboCup]
Reference library: BibTeX


  1. Cesare Alippi, G D'Angelo, Matteo Matteucci, Giorgio Pasquettaz, Vincenzo Piuri, Fabio Scotti. A system and method for monitoring laser welds and giving an indication of the quality of welding. , 2006. BibTeX [CRF_Patent_Euro]
Reference library: BibTeX

My 2005 Publications

Conference Proceedings

  1. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Anzani_2005_RoboCup]
  2. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Grillo_2005_RoboCup]
  3. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Bonarini_2005_Omnivis]
  4. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Bonarini_2005_ICRA]
  5. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Marzorati_2005_ECMR]
  6. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Bonarini_2005_AIIA]
  7. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Gatti_2005_HCII]
  8. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Corino_2005_BSI]
Reference library: BibTeX

In Books

  1. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Grillo_2005_RoboCup]
  2. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Mussone_2005_Ants]
  3. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Mussone_2005_Matrici]
  4. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Mussone_2005_Reti]
Reference library: BibTeX

My 2004 Publications

Journal Papers

  1. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Matteucci_2004_IJAMCS]
Reference library: BibTeX

Conference Proceedings

  1. Andrea Bonarini, Matteo Matteucci, and Marcello Restelli. . . BibTeX [Bonarini_2004_IROS]
  2. Andrea Bonarini, Matteo Matteucci, and Marcello Restelli. . . BibTeX [Bonarini_2004_IAV]
  3. Andrea Bonarini, Matteo Matteucci, and Marcello Restelli. . . BibTeX [Bonarini_2004_IAS]
  4. Andrea Bonarini, Matteo Matteucci, and Marcello Restelli. . . BibTeX [Bonarini_2004_ICONCO]
  5. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Gatti_2004_ICCHP]
  6. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Gatti_2004_ICEIS]
  7. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Matteucci_2004_IJCNN]
  8. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Grillo_2004_GIRPR]
  9. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Mainardi_2004_CIC]
Reference library: BibTeX

In Book

  1. Andrea Bonarini, Matteo Matteucci, and Marcello Restelli. Filling the Gap among Coordination, Planning, and Reaction Using a Fuzzy Cognitive Model. RoboCup 2003: Robot Soccer World Cup VII 3020/2004:662-669, August, 2004. BibTeX [Bonarini_2004_RoboCup]
Reference library: BibTeX

My 2003 Publications

Journal Papers

  1. Andrea Bonarini, Giovanni Invernizzi, Thomas Halva Labella, and Matteo Matteucci. . . BibTeX [Bonarini_2003_FSS]
Reference library: BibTeX

Conference Proceedings

  1. Andrea Bonarini, Matteo Matteucci, and Marcello Restelli. . . BibTeX [Bonarini_2003_SIRI]
  2. Andrea Bonarini, Matteo Matteucci, and Marcello Restelli. . . BibTeX [Bonarini_2003_WILF]
  3. Andrea Bonarini, Matteo Matteucci, Marcello Restelli, and Domenico Giorgio Sorrenti. . . BibTeX [Bonarini_2003_MRT]
  4. anonymous. . . BibTeX [Alippi_2003_CIMSA]
Reference library: BibTeX

My 2002 Publications

Conference Proceedings

  1. Elena Eneva, Krishna Kumaraswamy, Matteo Matteucci. WEKKEM: A Study in Fractal Dimension and Dimensionality Reduction. In Proceedings First Workshop on Fractals and Self-similarity in Data Mining , 2002. Pdf BibTeX [Eneva_2002_Fractal]
Reference library: BibTeX

In Book

  1. Andrea Bonarini, Matteo Matteucci, Marcello Restelli. A framework for robust sensing in multi-agent systems. RoboCup 2001: Robot Soccer World Cup V LNCS 2377/2002:329-351, January, 2002. Pdf BibTeX [Bonarini_2002_RobocupV]
  2. Andrea Bonarini, Giovanni Invernizzi, Fabio Marchese, Matteo Matteucci, Marcello Restelli, Domenico Sorrenti. Fun2Mas: The Milan Robocup Team. RoboCup 2001: Robot Soccer World Cup V LNCS 2377/2002:123-125, January, 2002. Pdf BibTeX [Bonarini_2002_Fun2maS]
Reference library: BibTeX


  1. Cesare Alippi, G D'Angelo, Matteo Matteucci, Giorgio Pasquettaz, Vincenzo Piuri, Fabio Scotti. A real time quality monitoring system for laser welding. PN TO2002A000508 , 14th June, 2002. BibTeX [CRF_Patent]
Reference library: BibTeX

My 2001 Publications

Journal Paper

  1. Andrea Bonarini, Claudio Bonacina, Matteo Matteucci. An approach to the design of reinforcement functions in real world, agent-based applications. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 31(3):288--301, June, 2001. Pdf BibTeX [Bonarini_2001_IEEESMC]
Reference library: BibTeX

Conference Proceedings

  1. Riccardo Cassinis, Paolo Meriggi, Andrea Bonarini, Matteo Matteucci. Device communities development toolkit: an introduction. In Proceedings of EUROBOT'01 pp. 155-161, 2001. Pdf BibTeX [Cassinis_2001_EUROBOT]
  2. Andrea Bonarini, Matteo Matteucci, Marcello Restelli. Anchoring: do we need new solutions to an old problem or do we have old solutions for a new problem. Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Anchoring Symbols to Sensor Data in Single and Multiple Robot Systems pp. 79-86, 2001. Pdf BibTeX [Bonarini_2001_AAAI]
Reference library: BibTeX

In Book

  1. Andrea Bonarini, Matteo Matteucci, Marcello Restelli. Concepts for Anchoring in Robotics. AI*IA 2001: Advances in Artificial Intelligence LNCS 2175/2001:327-332, January, 2000. Pdf BibTeX [Bonarini_2001_AIIA]
Reference library: BibTeX

My 2000 Publications

Conference Proceedings

  1. Andrea Bonarini, Matteo Matteucci. Learning context motivation in coordinated behaviors. Proceedings of Intelligent Autonomous Systems 6 (IAS-6) 6:519-526, 2000. Pdf BibTeX [Bonarini_2000_IAS-6]
Reference library: BibTeX

In Book

  1. Andrea Bonarini, Claudio Bonacina, and Matteo Matteucci. Fuzzy and Crisp Representations of Real-Valued Input for Learning Classifier Systems. Learning Classifier Systems LNCS 1813/2000:107-124, January, 2000. Pdf BibTeX [Bonarini_2000_IWLCS]
Reference library: BibTeX