3D Structure From Visual Motion
Course Aim & Organization
This is a description page for the PhD course on 3D Structure from Visual Motion: Novel Techniques in Computer Vision and Autonomous Robots/Vehicles. It is meant to present modern techniques to simultaneously estimate the unknown motion of a camera while reconstructing the 3D structure of the observed world to be applied un scientific fields such as: 3D reconstruction, autonomous robot navigation, aerial/field surveying, unmanned vehicle maneuvering, etc.
Although formally entitled to just one of the teachers the course is held by (in order of appearance)
Course Schedule
This is the schedule foreseen for the course. The timing refers to the duration of the room reservation not necessarily the duration of the lecture ;-)
- 15/02/2010 14:30-18:30 in Sala Seminari DEI
- Course introduction (M. Matteucci)
- Correspondence analysis: tracking and ransac (D. Migliore)
- Optical flow (D. Migliore)
- 17/02/2010 14:30-18:30 in Aula PT1 DEI
- Projection Model (V. Caglioti)
- Fundamental and Essential Matrix (V. Caglioti)
- 22/02/2010 14:30-18:30 in Sala Seminari DEI
- Motion extraction and 3D reconstruction (V. Caglioti)
Visual odometry (Marcon) Sala Seminari 24/02/2010 14:30-18:30
Uncalibrated visual odometry + stereo SLAM + omnidirectional odometry (Vincenzo e Davide) Sala Seminari 26/02/2010 14:30-18:30
Bayesian Filtering and SLAM (Matteo) Aula PT1 01/03/2010 14:30-18:30
MonoSLAM, PTAM and FrameSLAM (Matteo, Domenico ?) Aula PT1 03/03/2010 14:30-18:30
3D without 3D (Marcon) Sala Seminari 05/03/2010 14:30-18:30
- Sala Seminari 15/02/2010 14:30-18:30
- Projection model and projection matrix (V. Caglioti)
25/05/2009 [14:30-17:30] Sala Conferenze (DEI)
- Correspondence analysis: tracking and ransac (D. Migliore)
29/05/2009 [14:30-18:30] Sala Conferenze (DEI)
- Fundamental and Essential matrices (V. Caglioti)
- Motion extraction and 3D reconstruction (V. Caglioti)
- Visual odometry (V. Caglioti)
03/06/2009 [09:30-13:30] Sala Seminari (DEI)
- Correspondences tracking and analysis(M. Marcon)
- Combined estiamation of 3D structure and camera egomotion (M.Marcon)
05/06/2009 [14:30-18:30] Sala Seminari (DEI)
- Perspective ambiguity (M. Marcon)
- Non rigid structure from motion and Hierarchical Shape Priors (M. Marcon)
- Implicit formulation (M. Marcon)
08/06/2009 [09:30-13:30] Sala Seminari (DEI)
- Bayesian filtering (M. Matteucci)
- SLAM Filter implementations (M. Matteucci)
12/06/2009 [09:30-13:30] Sala Seminari (DEI)
- Monocular SLAM (M. Matteucci)
15/06/2009 [09:30-13:30] Aula PT1 (DEI)
- Stereo SLAM (D. Migliore)
- Omnidirectional SLAM (D. Migliore)
- Omnidirectional Visual Odometry (V. Caglioti)
19/06/2009 [09:30-13:30] Sala Seminari (DEI)
- Parallel Tracking and Mapping (M. Matteucci)
- Course project discussion ...
22/06/2009 [09:30-13:30] Sala Seminari (DEI)
- 3D without 3D: plenoptic methods, lumigraph, albedo, non Lambertian surfaces (M. Marcon)
Course Material & Referencies
The following is some suggested material to follow the course lectures.
Slides and lecture notes
- Camera geometry, single view, and two view geometry material
- Two view geometry and visual odometry material
- Correspondence analysis and RANSAC
- Optical flow tracking and egomotion estimation
- Structure from Motion
- Bayesian Filtering, Kalman Filtering, and SLAM
- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping a.k.a. SLAM!
- Monocular SLAM
- Stereo and Omnidirectional SLAM
- Panoramic Visual Odomentry
- Parallel Tracking and Mapping
- 3D without 3D
Suggested Bibliography
- R. Hartley, A. Zisserman. Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision, Cambridge University Press, March 2004.
- S. Thrun, W. Burgard, D. Fox. Probabilistic Robotics, MIT Press, September 2005.
- Papers you might find useful to deepen your study:
- ...