Prostate data info Predictors (columns 1--8) lcavol lweight age lbph svi lcp gleason pgg45 outcome (column 9) lpsa train/test indicator (column 10) This last column indicates which 67 observations were used as the "training set" and which 30 as the test set, as described on page 48 in the book. There was an error in these data in the first edition of this book. Subject 32 had a value of 6.1 for lweight, which translates to a 449 gm prostate! The correct value is 44.9 gm. We are grateful to Prof. Stephen W. Link for alerting us to this error. The features must first be scaled to have mean zero and variance 96 (=n) before the analyses in Tables 3.1 and beyond. That is, if x is the 96 by 8 matrix of features, we compute xp <- scale(x,TRUE,TRUE)